Release Notes

30 September 2020 - Version 2.18.3

  • 26255: Bug fix for duplicated characters in managed metadata control
  • 22841: Ability to re-apply default values in form fields each time the form is loaded
  • 21868: New form rule Status field option
  • 26475: Storage of property values in the events list
  • 26476: Combine multiple property changes into single narrative event
  • 26473: Configuration option to allow disabling of default narrative Note field
  • 26472: Retry file upload during matter creation
  • 25310: Bug fix for & character being displayed incorrectly in dashboards

15 September 2020 - Version 2.18.2

  • 26406: Requests with missing SPHostUrl will be reported as HTTP 400.
  • 26457: Using multiple service bus namespaces for cache invalidation
  • 26230: Allow searching for people strings containing semicolons.

2 September 2020 - Version 2.18.1

  • 19531: Support for provisioning folders to static site
  • 26175: Removal of SharePoint Scripts in Taxonomy Picker control to reduce internet explorer script errors
  • 26181: Prevent assignment of permissions to Limited Access users during archival process
  • 25329: Fixed bug where subfolders did not have the correct metadata defaults applied

18 August 2020 - Version 2.18

  • 25283: Narrative entries are now disallowed when only readonly access is available
  • 22842: Improve reliability of the api\Retrieve\PropertiesByCode API
  • 25686: Bug: Content APIs now work correctly under app identity
  • 25886: Performance, reliability and logging improvements to repositories/Affinity synchronisation endpoints
  • 25294: API: Ability to add narrative comments under specific user identity when authenticated with API key.

10 July 2020 - Version 2.17.6

  • 25106: Block non-numeric characters from number and currency input fields

30 June 2020 - Version 2.17.5

  • 21926: Render full taxonomy paths in emails
  • 23350: Timestamps not rendering correctly for (+-30 minute) timezones
  • 23565: Don't crash the form when a section rule is incomplete

19 March 2020 - Version 2.17.4

  • 23031: SameSite policy update for iframe support

5 March 2020 - Version 2.17.3

  • 22785: Logout button
  • 22359: Bug: respect the auto-pin rules for items with pinning disabled due to status
  • 22524: Bug: Teams provisioning reliability improvement
  • 22631: Bug: Do not show stack trace on error pages

14 February 2020 - Version 2.17.2

  • 22417: Support for any uploaded files to be sent via email attachment using a wildcard

6 February 2020 - Version 2.17.1

  • 22397: CORS security patch
  • 19300: Improvements to copy and paste capability
  • 20752: Folder provisioning reliability improvements
  • 22012: Bug - faliing to add user in security update trigger action

12 December 2019 - Version 2.17

  • 19545: Bug: [CODE] is not automatically replaced in other matter properties
  • 19300: Bug: Copy and pasting a matter column from within Outlook dialog causes duplicates
  • 19842: Bug: Fixed datetime in search results for multiple locales
  • 20485: Bug: URL for Download CSV is also in the screen with print preview
  • 20764: Bug: Display correct 'In Progress' number in GetQueueInformation API when there are stalled requests
  • 18698: Bug: Fix updating all documents in a matter when a subset are checked out
  • 18592: Bug: Clicking the matters button on a client in the custodian form in outlook opens in IE, should open in the same custodian form
  • 20759: Feature: Ability to specify owners/members in advanced JSON using property placeholders
  • 19863: Performance: Notify affinity directly of pinning and related listname

20 September 2019 - Version 2.16

  • 18277: Forms: Support for HTML within form field description
  • 14526: Forms: Make form readonly when button is clicked
  • 14396: Forms: Show configurable message when button is clicked
  • 18215: Teams: New API for importing existing teams into custodian
  • 18195: Teams: API Support for classification, lifecycle policies, renewal, and showInTeamsSearchAndSuggestions
  • 16837: Teams: Clicking a provisioned team now opens in the Teams client instead of the SharePoint location, and new TeamId and ChannelId properties.
  • 17672: Teams: New API for retrieving existing teams in the tenant
  • 16519: Teams: Support for Channel as first-class citizen including new template type.
  • 18213: API: Cognitive Services integration for keyword extraction from matters
  • 18240: API: Filing Engine integration via new custodian API endpoints
  • 18259: API: New template retrieval API
  • 18242: API: Support for changing the parent of an item (eg. moving a matter to a different client)
  • 18233: API: Support for retrieving an item using an affinity tag (Send-and-tag)
  • 18238: Search: support searching in the Create dialog using enterprise search.
  • 18239: Translation: included new German translations
  • 18234: Bug: parent_id URL parameter was affecting Links controls
  • 18381: Bug: Provisioning of subfolders containing documents
  • 18522: Bug: Applying security to workspace when security changes before provisioning.
  • 18530: Bug: Display correct security on Security tab before provisioning takes place
  • 18547: Bug: Performance enhancement for Reprovision > UpdateMetadataById API endpoint
  • 18559: Bug: Auto-subscribe should not subscribe to items the user does not have access to
  • 18560: Bug: Title should be clickable using enterprise search results
  • 18565: Bug: Lists should be unhidden automatically when enabling enterprise search
  • 18829: Bug: Narrative displaying incorrect date/time when a comment contains a date.
  • 19378: Bug: Removing a link was resulting in all links being removed
  • 19514: Bug: Enterprise search was failing when the matters list contained a folder.

17 July 2019 - Version 2.15

  • 17142: Provisioning: Support for modern field custom formatting JSON
  • 16799: Settings: check settings version more frequently to prevent overwriting settings
  • 16570: On Premise: Support for anonymous SMTP server
  • 15801: On Premise: Support for case-insensitive API key configuration
  • 14936: API: Ability to get last modified date for a matter
  • 16106: UI: Custodian maintains previous selected tab which clicking back button
  • 14396: Forms: New configurable form submission message
  • 13483: Scalability: Support for more than 50k unique security scopes within the custodian data list.
  • 16370: Support for SharePoint enterprise search of matters list
  • 14889: Bug: Custodian search producing duplicate results
  • 16738: Bug: German translation errors
  • 16892: Bug: More german translation errors
  • 16749: Bug: Clicking 'matters' button for a client now opens in same window
  • 16835: Bug: Fixed Teams validation error on creation
  • 16846: Bug: Yes/No fields displaying incorrect value when read-only
  • 16876: Bug: Exporting settings zip file did not send email
  • 16901: Bug: RenameByCode API was not renaming site title
  • 17132: Bug: Overwriting files and pages with newly provisioned files (update new modern pages during initial provision)
  • 17203: Bug: Importing configuration did not update templates URL during installation
  • 17401: Bug: Missing navigation items in custodian for non-administrators
  • 17416: Bug: Template Copy function did not copy the 'create form' setting
  • 17428: Bug: PropertiesByCode occasionally was throwing an exception
  • 15827: Bug: On Premise: People fields in email template now correctly resolving to email addresses
  • 15511: Bug: Non-ascii characters now supported in provisioned folders
  • 15715: Bug: Further fix for scroll bar in advanced search properties
  • 15819: Bug: Read-only multiline text fields appeared as editable
  • 16263: Bug: Read-only people picker fields not rendering a value
  • 16798: Bug: When no form is available for create page, show an error instead of breaking
  • 16838: Bug: Search results custom dashboard formatting now works when enterprise search is enabled
  • 17076: Bug: Provisioning modern pages error/setting start page
  • 17503: Bug: Apostrophe being removed from SharePoint document library names
  • 17570: Bug: Autosubscribe option missing from top hierarchy level

29 April 2019 - Version 2.14

  • 16190: UI: Support for custom columns in My Matters
  • 16189: UI: Support for custom columns in Search Results
  • 16351: UI: New setting to hide default search properties
  • 16293: UI: Performance improvements for All Matters
  • 16271: UI: Performance improvements in cache
  • 16357: UI: Tile view is now removed
  • 16092: UI: Updated German translations
  • 15818: Forms: Display field description when field is readonly
  • 15827: On Premise: Support for people fields in email templates
  • 14979: API: WebHooks support
  • 15888: API: Catch and retry during GetByCode calls
  • 16356: API: UploadFile endpoint swagger page included file upload option
  • 16355: API: APIKey is now not shown in swagger examples to encourage header usage and simply Flow integration
  • 16158: API: Reprovision APIs now return a request guid for tracking
  • 15995: API: New method for synchronising security between metadata and content (Security>SynchroniseById)
  • 16544: Provisioning: Improved Microsoft Teams provisioning support (tabs and channels)
  • 16209: Provisioning: Automatically include as a trusted domain in provisioned site collections
  • 15911: Provisioning: Stop removing period characters in provisioned folder names
  • 16254: Provisioning: Invalid characters are now replaced with underscore instead of being removed entirely
  • 16197: Provisioning: Support for removing the default content type (eg. Document) during reprovisioning
  • 15920: Provisioning: No longer adding CreateEvent messages to reduce verbosity
  • 16307: Configuration: Support for multiple group names semicolon-separated in Form, Status and Dashboard configuration
  • 16199: Configuration: Support for multiple group names semicolon-separated in hierarchy-level restriction
  • 16518: Configuration: Settings page now disallows saving when settings are out of date
  • 16234: Bug: Strip injected scripts from form rendering
  • 16322: Bug: Matters not showing as pinned in some search results
  • 16306: Bug: Don't fail to provision when attachment upload fails
  • 16302: Bug: When creating new site templates, current user was not granted access
  • 15810: Bug: Now shows correct error when user does not have access to view security
  • 15724: Bug: Added German label for pin icon tooltip
  • 15697: Bug: Fixed {{New.SharePointUrl}} tag
  • 15687: Bug: Support for removal of users who are no longer valid
  • 16204: Bug: Icons were partially hidden behind the scroll bar
  • 16341: Bug: Restoring from archival fails when a user to be restored has since been removed from the tenant
  • 15938: Bug: Setting security occasionally failed due to async bug
  • 16266: Bug: CSV download when searching for a customer now works
  • 16296: Bug: Failing to perform search against a field if the field has been created programmatically to include a space
  • 16347: Bug: Spinny icon overlapping other icons
  • 15715: Bug: Scroll bar exhibiting weird behaviour on advanced search
  • 15266: Bug: CSV download in Firefox now fixed
  • 16682: Bug: Readonly date properties now do not show time if not required
  • 16550: Bug: Description for readonly form fields now appears in correct location
  • 16511: Bug: Content/GetByCode API request now works under app identity
  • 16193: Bug: Fixed glyphicons link
  • 16582: Bug: When creating a taxonomy term, it no longer requires enter to be pressed
  • 16424: Bug: Fixed QueueLength API method
  • 15948: Operations: Support for SecondaryClientSecret
  • 15901: Operations: Reduce KeyVault access requests/frequency
  • 15898: Operations: Support for private azure cloud install

20 March 2019 - Version 2.13

  • 15781: CSV export option for dashboards
  • 14977: Data Container support
  • 15532: Cross-region cache invalidation support
  • 15559: Support for synchronising site URLs to affinity instead of individual document libraries
  • 15561: Triggers execution log for debug/diagnostic use
  • 15301: Forms: Support for enforcing correct number of decimal places in numeric fields
  • 15536: Forms: Support for template-level default value where the form has no default defined
  • 15008: UI: Don't display spinny icon until provisioning is actually in progress
  • 15514: API: new endpoint for retrieving provisioning request details by RequestGuid (/Provisioning/RequestById)
  • 15567: API: new endpoints for exporting and importing zip files containing configuration and email templates (/Settings/ZipConfigurationImport and /Settings/ZipConfigurationExport)
  • 16013: API: Fix to the GetQueueInformation result (/Provisioning/GetQueueInformation)
  • 15995: API: new endpoint for synchronising security between metadata and content (/Security/SynchroniseById)
  • 15930: Provisioning: Ability to reprovision content of modern pages, and to provision the default modern home page
  • 15541: Provisioning: Support for provisioning a content type deriving from document cross site-collections
  • 16197: Provisioning: Remove unnecessary content types from new libraries in reprovisioned sites
  • 15785: On Premise: New settings BypassSSLCertificateChecks and DisableSMTPSSL for allowing invalid SSL certificates in SMTP and HTTP trigger requests
  • 15801: On Premise: API key configuration on premise now allows case-insensitive SPHostUrl component
  • 15728: On Premise: automatic log-file rollover (NLog support)
  • 15572: On Premise: Support for visibility rules on people picker fields in forms
  • 14998: Bug: Support for saving modern templates within a modern root site install
  • 15626: Bug: Extend length of time we wait for SharePoint to recover after throwing 429 errors
  • 15604: Bug: Target users is not automatically copied from the selected template
  • 15165: Bug: Unable to unpin matters from search results
  • 15518: Bug: Search results page repeating
  • 15592: Bug: updating a multi-line text field results in narrative storage with truncated value
  • 15601: Bug: Fixed template reference link at the bottom of the trigger syntax page
  • 15689: Bug: issues with provisioning aspx pages within modern sites due to SPO change
  • 15746: Bug: modern pages not checked in correctly in some circumstances
  • 15803: Bug: occasional error returned by CheckExistsByCode
  • 15821: Bug: Fixed swagger validation error
  • 15854: Bug: Prevent infinite trigger loops
  • 15938: Bug: Setting security occasionally failed leaving matter in locked down state
  • 16234: Bug: Sanitize HTML within form display values

20 Feb 2019 - Version 2.12

  • 15376: Auto-subscribe now applies to newly-created matters. This allows client subscribers to get new matters synchronised automatically.
  • 15391: Support for Template Name and Template ID in form validation rules
  • 15214: Extended support for Attachment fields within forms. Attachment fields can now subjected to rules etc. Multiple attachments are permitted.
  • 15000: Re-provisioning (update structure) will now also automatically synchronise any new libraries to affinity.
  • 15120: Security enhancements
  • 15113: Performance enhancements to My Matters dialogs and background provisioning services
  • 15090: The Update Security trigger action now supports embedded custom properties. Eg. grant permission to '{{New.AssignedTo}}'
  • 15300: Support for rendering HTML within readonly form fields. The field must be of 'Note' type, with RichText enabled in SharePoint.
  • 15224: Ability to assign a display name to statuses
  • 15342: Return a Failed status in the API for matters that have not been provisioned successfully
  • 15374: When a template is no longer in use, permit property editing for legacy matters

12 Dec 2018 - Version 2.11

  • 14698: New API which allows immediate execution of trigger actions
  • 14906: Speeding up the installer by performing actions in parallel
  • 14856: Support for conditional visibility logic on form buttons
  • 14820: Template dropdown now has nothing selected by default
  • 12698: Language switching now allowed via 'lang' parameter
  • 14992: Show error when site deletion fails
  • 14975: Support for disabling comments on provisioned modern pages
  • 14967: Affinity folder naming scheme can now be set at template level
  • 15039: Asynchronous SharePoint query execution on premise (performance)
  • 15113: Wide ranging support for asynchronous operation in web front end and provisioning engine (performance)
  • 14947: Disallow titles larger than 255 characters.
  • 14889: Remove duplicates from search results
  • 14974: Implement character limit in Title dialog
  • 14976: Implement character limit when generating title from custom properties
  • 14991: Restrict narrative note input to 254 chars
  • 15020: Interested parties security changes no longer assume list internal name matches site internal name

21 November 2018 - Version 2.10

  • 14652: Support for form sections
  • 14677: Support for referencing forms within other forms
  • 14727: Support for form rules (dynamically set read-only or visibility of individual fields or sections)
  • 14687: New API method for retrieving subscribed IDs or ProvisionableIDs
  • 14528: New API for retrieving security
  • 14612: Support for searching yes/no fields (with autocomplete)
  • 14242: Support for searching custom fields in advanced search
  • 14579: Support for searching against Choice and Lookup fields (with autocomplete)
  • 13009: Clicking parent name now loads results in the same window
  • 14667: Fields which are treated as email addresses now support both comma and semicolon delimitation
  • 14879: Trigger expression values will now be treated as case-insensitive
  • 14661: Redesign the properties tab in Settings.
  • 14662: Include link to the precedent documents library within the Documents section in custodian
  • 14633: Expand the trigger parameter boxes to fill the available space
  • 14681: Support for 'hide_tabs' parameter to complement the 'tabs' parameter
  • 14844: Support for location-based default values in document libraries with more than 5000 folders
  • 14947: Disallow titles larger than 255 characters.
  • 14959: Converting provisioning requests to async
  • 14898: Update content types on data list when list or fields are changed
  • 14887: Support for provisioning >5k folders in a single document library

17 October 2018 - Version 2.9.9

  • 14495: EmailTemplates document library is now created as part of the installer
  • 14479: Support for setting the property bag on noscript sites (eg. Modern sites)
  • 14409: search=0 URL parameter support to hide the search bar
  • 14075: Ability to set metadata directly on provisioned folders
  • 13985: Support for provisioning multiple folders concurrently in the same document library
  • 13575: Show the email templates as a drop-down when creating a new email trigger action
  • 14405: Support for _Added and _Removed generated people lists for triggers and email templates
  • 13147: Ability to give My Matters a configurable label
  • 12934: Support for provisioning folders as root hierarchy levels
  • 12890: Forms support for [me] as a default in people picker fields, and [today] as a default in date fields
  • 14185: 'Enforce Unique Values' is now honoured in form fields
  • 13502: Readonly DateTime fields should be displayed in the correct user locale
  • 14673: Don't allow selection of invalid email addresses in people picker controls

19 September 2018 - Version 2.9.8

  • 14071: Allow setting the region of a website or site collection
  • 14241: Allow setting the region and timezone of new O365 groups
  • 14217: Ability to enable features during group provisioning
  • 14094: Ability to delay execution of a trigger by x minutes
  • 14102: Reprovision trigger action
  • 14042: Ability to apply labels to provisioned subfolders and new sites in a label or retention policy.
  • 14296: Allow setting clock to 24-hour format in new groups and sites
  • 14087: Support for new IsNewlyCreated trigger property
  • 14070: Allow management of content types on the Documents library of new sites
  • 14229: Increase max document upload size to 50MB
  • 14306: Added logging to archival task
  • 14065: Support for custom provision request embedding within the installer configuration import file
  • 13573: New trigger actions for granting and revoking security
  • 14076: Trim spaces from codes submitted in API requests to create a matter
  • 14298: Include groups in people picker search results when provisioning site security
  • 14216: Triggers are now fired during async API requests
  • 13613: Matter creation was disabled when the client level had provisioning support disabled
  • 13737: Support for saving empty date field values where they previously had a value
  • 13987: Display time component with leading zeroes in readonly datetime control
  • 14050: Renaming matters was not working for new-schema repository lists
  • 14051: Tweaked error message when access is denied
  • 14053: Taxonomy fields now render the label instead of GUID in custom fields
  • 14251: Readonly boolean fields now say "yes/no" instead of "true/false" and are translated.
  • 14314: Handle empty taxonomy field values during provisioning more gracefully

22 August 2018 - Version 2.9.7

  • 12759: Ability to select a events which will be saved to the narrative
  • 14013: New APIs to add a site collection to an O365 label policy
  • 13967: GetChanges is now supported for repositories lists when custodian is used as a repositories server
  • 13947: Setting to 'allow manual status change' is now at the hierarchy level instead of system-wide
  • 13578: Phone numbers are now displayed in people picker search results
  • 13246: Form button colours are configurable
  • 13573: New trigger action to set security based on a people picker field or static user/group names
  • 13618: New template properties for including a user's email address, name, or MailTo link in generated emails
  • 14030: Added API endpoint for generating an API client eg. in Powershell (see api2/Settings/GenerateAPIClientLink)
  • 14023: Current environment name is saved to the page source for debugging purposes
  • 13901: Allow multiple email addresses (semicolon-separated) inside an email template conditional/if statement1
  • 13870: embedded=1 url parameter now works on standalone forms
  • 13871: Lookups rendered in email templates now display the value instead of item ID
  • 13949: Emails to multiple 'To' recipients now send a single email instead of a unique email to all recipients
  • 13955: Updating metadata on a matter which contains files in subfolders now updates the metadata on those subfolder items.
  • 13978: Fixed the 'include content' checkbox on the administrator matter deletion page
  • 13996: Always display the Security tab when editing a matter regardless of security settings
  • 14006: Hide empty entries in the Interested Parties field
  • 14012: Only generate a single email on matter creation for triggers that use Old.Status != New.Status

25 July 2018 - Version 2.9.6

  • 13616: Creation of repositories lists and data lists for a new hierarchy level moved into standard API
  • 13487: Ability to retrieve users who have pinned a matter. New API available, plus a template property called PinnedBy.EmailAddresses
  • 13485: Trigger enhancements - fire when changing title, allow use of custom properties during matter creation, and log details of each trigger evaluation.
  • 13439: Respect the correct number of lines in text (Note) fields
  • 13378: Ability to save logs to azure storage
  • 13429: Support for API authentication via rtFA and FedAuth tokens
  • 13243: Ability to remove Title field from forms and use the Naming Scheme to define it
  • 13244: User fields are now part searchable
  • 13138: Support for setting content types on provisioned folders
  • 13619: Support for event log in non-english server environment
  • 10125: Taxonomy Picker synonym support
  • 13706: Add sorting to lookup fields
  • 13991: Add detail page URL for use in templates (New.DetailUrl)
  • 14009: Allow searching within subfolders of the Matters List
  • 13857: Fixed issue with saving empty interested parties in template edit page.
  • 13858: Clicking a provisioned matter title in My Matters now redirects to the matter content, matching behaviour on the All Matters screen.
  • 13729: Added 'Properties' to the default tab options.
  • 13688: No longer default dates to today when no default value is set in the form.
  • 13590: Version history screen - display in correct timezone, and fixed the Modified By of the most recent version.
  • 13645: Prevent submission of timesheet before all entries are saved.
  • 13165: Show timesheet oldest unsubmitted week
  • 13606: Clicking up arrow twice in Chrome timesheet created duplicate entries.
  • 13617: Fix maxjsonrequest error when creating very large hierarchies in settings.
  • 13504: Removing access isn't applied to matter list item when provisioning is in progress
  • 13582: 'console is undefined' error in Outlook dialog
  • 13613: Unable to create matters when parent level has provisioning disabled.
  • 13621: Clicking the title of an unprovisioned matter showed an error page instead of Details
  • 13636: Deduplicate email addresses in the To, CC and BCC fields to allow sending.
  • 13646: Added filtering to the lookup control
  • 13973: Fixed the 'include content' checkbox on deletion page
  • 14006: Remove empty Interested Parties entries

27 June 2018 - Version 2.9.5

  • 13347: Repositories server is now run in-process within custodian.
  • 13443: Validate custom JSON against schema
  • 13161: Ability to change document library description during archive
  • 13481: Support for Reply-To and Importance fields in email templates
  • 13377: Carry forward the 'New Folder' command when provisioning document libraries
  • 13231: Render HTML fields in custom dashboards
  • 13223: Timesheet option for setting number of working hours in a week
  • 13153: New setting 'Allow Manual Status Change' to prevent users from changing status without completing a form
  • 12446: Filter managed metadata values unavailable for tagging
  • 13688: No longer default dates to today when no default value is set in the form.
  • 13427: DateTime fields are not detected as having changed when only the seconds component is updated. Also fixed issues with UTC/timezones.
  • 12896: Handle duplicate managed metadata labels (disambiguate by using ID)
  • 13646: Added filtering to the lookup control

1 June 2018 - Version 2.9.4

  • 13227: Added external sharing option for existing external users only
  • 13198: Allow adding new users to newly provisioned site collections
  • 12410: Support for lookup fields
  • 13232: Provisioning engine and API support for setting compliance labels (will be fully supported later)
  • 13245: Added some new translated strings
  • 13154: Fixed issue with unpinning in bulk (>60 items)
  • 12447: Tabbing into people picker no longer required the enter key to be pressed.
  • 12896: Ability to differentiate betwen taxonomy field values with the same label.

4 May 2018 - Version 2.9.3

  • 13030: Support for external users when restricting a field to a SharePoint group
  • 12757: Time Recording
  • 12396: Support for provisioning O365 integrated groups (doesn't include adding default users)
  • 12398: Updates to API for supporting Microsoft Flow
  • 12958: Templates now use modern site by default
  • 12758: Replace the word 'Template' with 'Type'
  • 12434: Code column now has a fixed width
  • 12930: Settings list will have versioning enabled in new installations
  • 11909: More accurate narrative event grouping
  • 12805: Z-indexes of form fields corrected (Client drop down, managed metadata, date picker)
  • 12894: People picker was showing 'no results' until 3 characters were typed
  • 12496: Fixed custom properties in email templates during new matter creation
  • 12510: Hide 'auto subscribe' setting on root hierarchy levels
  • 12511: Record an error in LastError column when matter list item fails to create
  • 12938: Changes to interested parties field weren't detected when the Title didn't match the InternalName
  • 12942: Record a validation error when provisioning a matter for a client that isn't ready
  • 13032: People picker values in email templates now rendered as email address
  • 13083: New matters are not automatically pinned in non english environments

9 Mar 2018 - Version 2.9.2

New features:
  • 12053: New rules/actions processing configuration options
  • 12072: Provisioning engine support for setting security on individual files
  • 12021: Respect capital letters in the Outlook hierarchy for shared repositories
  • 12004: Increased attachment upload limit to 30MB
  • 11949: New people picker control with better usability and validation
  • 11999: New setting to hide the 'Add interested parties to My Matters' checkbox.
  • 12406: Support for new [TEMPLATENAME] token
  • 12075: New setting to turn off sharepoint scripts/polling
  • 12472: Store provisioning engine logs when non-fatal errors occur
  • 12477: New API for retrieving logs
  • 12419: When breaking inheritance, do not copy permissions from parent
  • 12400: New action 'Unsubscribe for all'
  • 12354: Ability to restrict a hierarchy level to a specific group (in browser only)
  • 12437: When sharing a secured matter with a secretary, the secretary will not see any metadata
  • 11910: View link in version history page
  • 12487: Support for external users in people picker control
  • 12488: Changes to the email templating to bring it into line with Status trigger configuration syntax
  • 11909: More accurate narrative event grouping
  • 12089: Option to not hide form fields that have a default value
  • 12433: New URL parameter to restrict a people picker field to a specific group
  • 12083: Speed up retrieval of my matters by de-duplicating on the repositories server
  • 12616: Quicker detection that a provisioning job has failed to start
  • 12697: Trigger confirm button not enabled after resolving an error
  • 12678: Title field should not be a link, Title (With Link) should be
  • 12366: Multiple field values not displayed in custom dashboards
  • 11850: Remove blue link to content when provisioning is in progress
  • 12650: Show alternative dashboards as required even when they're set to be hidden
  • 12077: Title field detected and shown as link in non-english languages
  • 12080: Colon character in matter titles was causing new affinity level to be created
  • 12081: Dates not formatted correctly in custom views
  • 12085: Do not require a user login to allow repository sharing to work
  • 12474: Long titles prevented matters being pinned to My Matters
  • 12438: Fixed issue with subscribeToParent and subscribeToChildren settings conflicting
  • 12097: When filepath is setup incorrectly, attached files get lost completely
  • 12380: Ignore empty default values on datetime fields and use user-supplied values
  • 12492: Deleting a matter was not always removing it from everyone's My Matters
  • 12425: 'Create Another' button now clears Interested Parties
  • 12525: Default tab name url parameter is now case insensitive
  • 12532: Support for multiple interested parties fields
  • 12483: Back button on the popup status form
  • 12496: Fix for custom properties in email templates
  • 12389: Add to My matters for all interested parties not working if current user doesn't have permission to do so
  • 12447: Allow tabbing into single-select people picker
  • 12494: RemoveForAllByCode API accepts ID not code
  • 12510: Auto subscribe checkbox hidden but label still shown
  • 12533: Emailing not working for non-root hierarchy levels
  • 11870: Handle follower retrieval failure during provisioning
  • 12689: Add interested parties to My Matters when the option isn't given to the user.
  • 12684: Reduced default site collection resource level from 100 to 2
  • 12093: 'Create Another' button not clearing Interested Parties field
  • 12782: Failing to provision events to event log when it is completely locked down
  • 12781: Not adding tokens for parent provisionable
  • 12780: Matter appears to be provisioning in My Matters, when complete in All Matters
  • 12779: Failing to add to My Matters on behalf of a group when the user doesn't have access to GroupMembershipRegistry list
  • 12776: Failing to add external users to people picker fields
  • 12778: Failing to add anyone to My Matters when a member of a group being added has no email address

9 Feb 2018 - Version 2.9

New features:
  • 11877: Email status action - ability to send emails out of the box without SharePoint workflow
  • 11882: Import/Export now includes matter dashboards
  • 12034: Support for library record declaration settings
  • 11959: Auto-retry of failed provisioning up to 3 attempts
  • 11872: New API for retrieving provisioning queue information (/api2/Provisioning/GetQueueInformation)
  • 11923: Copy timezone from template site to new site collections (can be overridden)
  • 11924: Ability to set site collection administrators via custodian settings
  • 11764: Import process now includes capability for creation of custom security groups
  • 11763: Import process now includes capability for creation of new document libraries
  • 11783: Update security automatically on interested parties people field update
  • 11879: Ability to assign a checkbox custom field as a 'Secure Matter' checkbox
  • 11883: Ability to kick off multiple actions on status update
  • 12031: Ability to rename Shared Documents during initial provisioning
  • 12032: OpenDate now displayed if date is before 1971
  • 12033: Show year even when it's the current year
  • 11994: Changed the Sharing symbol from a heart to a new icon
  • 11951: Removed redundant 'Documents' icon from individual matters
  • 11988: Support for custom properties/tokens within modern pages
  • 11995: Add new content types before removing old ones (on premise only)
  • 12040: Added additional logging to SetProvisionableInheritance API method
  • 12038: Repos server performance enhancements to Changes API method
  • 9954: New translation labels added
  • 11928: Do not provision doc ID settings for subsites
  • 11952: Support for major/minor versioning settings to be copied from template
  • 11880: Ability to hide the action buttons on the matter dashboard
  • 11881: Status column now links to relevant properties form
  • 11854: Speed up pinning & unpinning
  • 11809: Single user fields now only allow input of one user
  • 11907: Support restricting user fields to a specific group
  • 11999: Option to hide 'Add interested parties to my matters' checkbox on create
  • 12006: Validation for people picker fields to disallow invalid entries
  • 11947: Version history page now shows correct date
  • 11983: Fixed 'user cannot be found' error when removing access
  • 11991: Attached documents now displayed for matter before provisioning starts
  • 12017: Fix for list view threshold error on custom dashboards
  • 12022: Fix for modern pages - now setting correct content type ID to display correctly
  • 12042: Fixed script error on Outlook sharing dialog
  • 12048: Now can remove groups that belong specifically to one non-root site collection
  • 12050: Version History page now redirecting to login when user is not logged in
  • 11971: Fixed 'Add to My' checkbox when granting access.
  • 11930: Lock down event log automatically on installation
  • 11933: Fixed various minor issues with import/export process
  • 11935: Stop creating groups with EnsureUser
  • 11931: Clicking client within an iframe had previously opened it in a full custodian window.
  • 11944: Resetting cache was not entirely clearing cache
  • 11948: Better error message when API key is invalid
  • 11958: Avoid creating additional version of templated files during provisioning
  • 11962: Remove redundant search configuration options from settings page
  • 12361: Attachment field overlaying metadata field dropdown
  • 12379: Only able to see top 10 matters of a sharing user
  • 12381: Following toggle switch occasionally returning to off
  • 12423: Provisioning engine on-premise parallel item execution fix

15 Dec 2017 - Version 2.8.7

Performance/reliability enhancements:
  • 10037: Convert sharing server API to async
  • 11870: Handle follower retrieval failure during provisioning
  • 11871: Retry provision requests when AllowRetry is set (not yet available via custodian UI)
  • 11856: Scale up of provisioning engine instances
  • 11869: Redis pubsub events now published with FireAndForget to avoid timeouts
  • 11893: New service status page at
  • 11904: Detect timed out provision jobs and mark them as failed
  • 11890: Provisioning uptime monitor with alert system
  • 11923: Support for setting the site collection timezone
  • 11912: Support for file version copy/move in tenant root site when custodian installation is in non-root site
  • 11827: Auto-refresh settings page when cache is reset
  • 11826: Fix for notes not appearing in narrative if added within 2 minutes of status change
  • 11911: Initialise app cache in old API methods
  • 11914: API calls from provisioning engine to custodian now target correct slot name (eg. preview)
  • 11901: After installing, dashboards are now visible without cache reset
  • 11903: Fixed for items being marked as null
  • 11947: Version history page date now shows version created date
  • 11976: View only sharing option reset after cache reset

14 Nov 2017 - Version

  • 11913: Patch for adding duplicate headers to HttpClient when connecting to repos server.

6 Nov 2017 - Version 2.8.6

  • 11894: Fixed several failing API requests under app identity

27 Oct 2017 - Version 2.8.5

  • CMT-1949: Document versioning API support via file move
  • CMT-1983: Ability to attach items during matter creation
  • CMT-1954: Set metadata after security is configured
  • CMT-1974: Status action to start provisioning
  • CMT-1985: App identity/API now can switch status without validation occurring
  • CMT-1864: Choice fields now set to blank value as default (instead of first item)
  • CMT-1970: Improved people picker performance
  • CMT-1972: GrantAccess/RevokeAccess APIs now support multiple users
  • CMT-1973: Security page now working with the 'tabs' parameter
  • CMT-1974: Edit properties now performed under the user identity
  • CMT-1977: Clear cached source type on repos server when re-creating a repos list
  • CMT-1978: Support choice fields in import/export
  • CMT-1988: Support for provisioning modern pages
  • CMT-1993: Provisioning progress bar

1 Oct 2017 - Version 2.8.4

  • CMT-1944: New API option to explicitly set the provision location
  • CMT-1945: Option on individual statuses to disallow pinning into 'My' items
  • CMT-1946: Option to move archived items into a subfolder
  • CMT-1947: Archive restoration API with action for a status event
  • CMT-1950: Trim event log detail values if they exceed max text field length (255)
  • CMT-1958: Unique provisioning ID for each request
  • CMT-1959: Show environment name on custodian page when not Production
  • CMT-1960: Support for search on Number fields via custodian advanced search
  • CMT-1961: Log clearer exception when retrieving an invalid template
  • CMT-1863: During import settings, create fields with correct internal name.

25 Sept 2017 - Version 2.8.3

  • CMT-1764: Support for repositories server on-premise
  • CMT-1920: Apply width, height and other custom properties to provisioned web parts
  • CMT-1912: Support for script editor web part provisioning
  • CMT-1869: Setting to turn off property editing for a hierarchy level for non-admin users
  • CMT-1926: Repositories sharing server returns 'FollowerUserTitle' field in custom properties to represent the person from whom the repository came
  • CMT-1928: Change 'follow' button to a toggle switch
  • CMT-1929: Support for switching all users in a tenant to canary (or other custom version)
  • CMT-1930: API support for registry key configuration
  • CMT-1937: View properties (eg. filters) are now set during reprovisioning
  • CMT-1938: Checkbox now enabled in settings to switch to Repositories server for a hierarchy level
  • CMT-1940: API provision requests now return a unique guid which can be used to identify items before or after provisioning
  • CMT-1922: Fixed settings page crash by removal of the site browser button
  • CMT-1860: Allow special accented characters in hierarchy names (don't fail to redirect during login)
  • CMT-1893: When pinning a matter for the first time by a user, some document libraries were lost
  • CMT-1914: Regenerate clientcontext at the end of the provisioning process to prevent it timing out
  • CMT-1915: New API request to repair failed provisioning requests
  • CMT-1922: Repositories sharing server returns SourceType
  • CMT-1936: Repositories server returns all changes, or invalid token result when there are more than 100 changes
  • CMT-1941: DateTime control now displays the date in local time, and submits changes to the server API in ISO8601
  • CMT-1942: Default values are now set on files provisioned from the template, instead of copying values from the template list

1 Sept 2017 - Version 2.8.2

  • CMT-1848: Do not show duplicate search results
  • CMT-1896: Follow/Unfollow/Follow case not reflected
  • CMT-1898: CheckExistsByCode now only caches negative result for 1 minute instead of 24 hours
  • CMT-1900: Delay when waiting for site collection creation is done asynchronously
  • CMT-1901: Duplicate provisioning requests now detected
  • CMT-1903: Provisioning engine no longer subject to 1hr time limit (auth token timeout)
  • CMT-1902: New medium priority webjob
  • CMT-1904: Multiple untitled files in document library template resulted in one or more becoming corrupted
  • CMT-1905: Allow passing Status parameter into CreateAndProvision
  • CMT-1908: Allow passing OpenDate parameter into CreateAndProvision
  • CMT-1907: Repos server reporting addition as a removal for followed users in V3 lists

22 Aug 2017 - Version 2.8.1

  • CMT-1888: Padding around 'follow' button
  • Bugfix: Do not try to confirm uniqueness of codes when it has already been added to the list

18 Aug 2017 - Version 2.8 - performance release

  • CMT-1878: Performance enhancements - moving synchronous API request code into background tasks
  • CMT-1839: Ability for secretary to confirm a lawyer follow
  • CMT-1772: New My Matters list format with subfolders
  • CMT-1840: Followed repositories (secretary functionality) sync headers only
  • CMT-1841: Grouping of followed repositories under a 'Shared' folder in affinity
  • CMT-1861: New group resolution capabilities - support extended to AD groups in addition to SharePoint groups
  • CMT-1877: Secretary/sharing standalone page: /Sharing/Dialog
  • CMT-1816: Ability to cascade up when pinning (ie. pin Client when matter is pinned)

29 July 2017 - Version

  • CMT-1857: Performance work (Split provisioning engine, deduplication of messages after timeouts)

26 July 2017 - Version 2.7.3

  • CMT-1777: API Support for browsing matter content
  • CMT-1831: Ability to move a matter to another site collection during archiving
  • CMT-1832: Remove documents step during matter creation
  • CMT-1822: Provisioning engine: support for selecting facets to be provisioned (eg. content, workflows, webparts etc)
  • CMT-1825: Ability to read default values from the template
  • CMT-1838: Dashboards now have auto-width columns
  • CMT-1770: New button for exporting current system configuration and importing during install to another system
  • CMT-1852: New API to lock down security (/api2/Security/LockDownById and /api2/Security/LockDownByCode)
  • CMT-1854: New API to check if matter exists (/api2/Retrieve/CheckExistsById and /api2/Retrieve/CheckExistsByCode)
  • CMT-1850: Matter title required blur/unfocus in outlook popup to detect text change
  • CMT-1842: Return repositories changes when following or unfollowing someone
  • CMT-1843: Requesting precedent documents for item at the root level caused performance issues
  • CMT-1834: Provisioning engine: replace tokens in JSLink
  • CMT-1835: Same field on multiple matter content types (templates) was only being added to the first one
  • CMT-1790: New setting for hiding links during matter creation
  • CMT-1819: Show multiline text field values in custom matter dashboards
  • CMT-1853: During matter creation, confirm code is unique on server-side when one is explicitly specified

8 July 2017 - Version 2.7.2

  • CMT-1828: More robust matching of site fields with those on the data lists
  • CMT-1827: Support for provisioning fields and content types at list level
  • CMT-1818: Dashboard custom dates displaying unformatted
  • CMT-1813: People picker now displaying multi values

1 July 2017 - Version 2.7.1

  • CMT-1722: Matter dashboard - ability to load custom views as additional tabs in custodian
  • CMT-1766: Support for custom buttons on forms
  • CMT-1782: Support for form aliases (display alternate form depending on group membership)
  • CMT-1723: Repositories server for secretary/sharing includes the sharing user as part of the parent folders
  • CMT-1787: Repositories server for secretary/sharing no longer converts responses to lower case
  • CMT-1785: Better detection of list property internal names which have special characters eg. '-'
  • CMT-1717: Grouping of grandparent level items within parent picker on item creation form

7 June 2017 - Version 2.7

Major features:
  • CMT-1721: Custom forms. A custom form can now be created and used for matter creation and update. Support for mapping properties to placeholders (eg. [CODE]).
  • CMT-1759: Property updating is now synchronous and faster
  • CMT-1604: Ability to read and set slot cookie in custodian - (support for canary)
Minor features/bugfixes:
  • CMT-1761: Provisioning engine support for content type order on folders
  • CMT-1767: Better detection of WebPart pages and now removes all pre-existing web parts from a page during initial provisioning (eg. Home.aspx)
  • CMT-1693: Narrative logic and grouping is now part of event log API
  • CMT-1760: Updating properties should not re-set the status
  • CMT-1751: Show site and deployment slot name in settings
  • CMT-1731: Prevent setting up status comment/reason without configuring event log
  • CMT-1750: RemoveByCode API throwing error when called with API key
  • CMT-1736: Show warning in settings when configuring a hierarchy level to inherit and and ancestor doesn't inherit.
  • CMT-1754: API for reporting recent server activity
  • CMT-1756: When updating list items, restrict failure to individual pages
  • CMT-1757: Support for adding users to existing special group
  • CMT-1758: Catch errors thrown during navigation publishing site detection

21 May 2017 - Version 2.6.4

  • CMT-1573: New APIs for archive and restore, with ability to power archival from a status.
  • CMT-1746: Automatic removal of invalid characters in filenames loaded from a template.
  • CMT-1669: Infinite scrolling occurring when sorting by a field on All Matters
  • CMT-1730: Fixed navigation when provisioning site collections from a template configured to inherit navigation
  • CMT-1733: Re-enabled 'title' URL parameter for default title on Create Matter page
  • CMT-1574: Single-digit dates not rendering correctly in Internet Explorer when editing properties with new HTML form
  • CMT-1737: Saving values in multi-choice fields during creation with new HTML form
  • CMT-1739: Multiple selections in people-picker fields only applying first value in new HTML form
  • CMT-1747: Increased timeout on provisioning requests from Azure queue to prevent duplicate request execution
  • CMT-1748: Fields on new HTML form during matter creation are now the same as those on the template

5 May 2017 - Version 2.6.3

  • CMT-1575: Ability to reset matter security via API request (will be used in upcoming Archiving functionality)
  • CMT-1720: Standalone matter property pages (using e.g. 'tabs=narrative' and 'embedded=1' url params)
  • CMT-1680: Ability to restrict matter creation/status changing to a specified SharePoint group
  • CMT-1712: New API endpoint to retrieve all matters
  • CMT-1699: New API endpoint to get hierarchy settings
  • CMT-1714: Create matter code if missing during import/API request to create item
  • CMT-1716: Include 'Status' as a search property in advanced search
  • CMT-1697: Stop setting default values for people fields in generic lists (the field became corrupted)
  • CMT-1725: Allow embedded HTML in the advanced JSON template configuration
  • CMT-1727: Apply license keys correctly during initial install
  • CMT-910: Show correct 'unsupported' message during site collection deletion

28 April 2017 - Version 2.6.2

  • CMT-1671: New API method to clear cache
  • CMT-1658: Support for restricting API key access to specific IP addresses
  • CMT-1700: Ability to reorder properties in template editor
  • CMT-1708: Simplified 'template' drop-down during matter creation (hide 'Sharepoint template' subheading if empty)
  • CMT-1702: Show permission-level drop-down in settings when 'allow secure override' is checked
  • CMT-1709: Support for inheriting navigation from parent sites
  • CMT-1710: Support for retrieving custom properties on-premise by accessing them via internal name instead of title
  • CMT-1711: Incorrectly detecting WebPartPages as WikiPage and skipping web part provisioning
  • CMT-1707: 'Add to view' was being ignored on properties when API was used to create a matter
  • CMT-1681: 'Add to views' label wraps in non-english languages
  • CMT-1698: Fixed 'duplicate field' error during matter creation after adding new properties to the template
  • CMT-1703: Custodian advanced search now uses internal names in its generated CAML queries

21 April 2017 - Version 2.6.1

  • CMT-1665: Allow status change comments to be optional
  • CMT-1634: Edit properties in new HTML form
  • CMT-1617: Don't show reprovision events in narrative (they were blank)
  • CMT-1668: Fixed issue where provisioning engine turned off versioning on matters list
  • CMT-1673: Fixed installer bug where statuses were created in an invalid state
  • CMT-1602: App gen website now allows customisation of app title and product ID

6 April 2017 - Version 2.6

  • CMT-1209: Custodian support for sharing My Matters with other given users (Secretary scenario).
  • CMT-1651: We now hash API keys, so they are no longer available in plain text. For new installs, a key must be created before use.
  • CMT-1638: Ability to specify which statuses are valid after the current status
  • CMT-1661: New setting to set a static provisioning site for a hierarchy level.
  • CMT-1565: New API to allow removal of a matter from all users' My Matters
  • CMT-1663: Fixed bug where narrative showed as empty

26 March 2017 - Version 2.5.5

  • CMT-1650: New API method to update matter metadata
  • CMT-1645: Fixed ordering of fields on 'create' page in new HTML form (when a field's InternalName is longer than 32 characters)
  • CMT-1637: Fixed bug where templates page didn't load when there were >200 templates.
  • CMT-1641: Narrative events are now always provisioned by the highest priority queue
  • CMT-1643: Provisioning errors are now stored in a separate field when provisioning or resetting properties
  • CMT-1644: New API method for returning My Matters
  • CMT-1647: Fixed Save button throwing javascript error when adding new hierarchy level
  • CMT-1648: Place 'reason' above 'comment' when changing status
  • CMT-1649: Break inheritance automatically when sharing externally

18 March 2017 - Version 2.5.4

  • CMT-1640: Ability to add a comment to the matter narrative
  • CMT-1537: Ability to add a reason drop-down box input for status changes (eg. Hold reason). Entered into narrative.
  • CMT-1625: Date fields on the HTML form now support basic formulae (eg. Today+7)
  • CMT-1636: Mandatory properties now enforced on standalone 'create' web part
  • CMT-1639: Fixed label on 'Add to my matters on behalf of interested parties' checkbox

10 March 2017 - Version 2.5.3

  • CMT-1633: New option to require a comment when entering a new status.
  • CMT-1522: Localisation: 'create matter' page now available in Dutch.
  • CMT-1630: New setting to allow disabling of precedent inheritance from parent (see CMT-1618)
  • CMT-1632: New UI for status management in settings
  • CMT-1631: Matter narrative is now shown in reverse chronological order.
  • CMT-1623: Fixed bug with ordering of create matter form fields.
  • CMT-1621: Create Matter web part now allows a default client to be set from the URL.

1 March 2017 - Version 2.5.2

  • CMT-1397: WebParts are no longer removed from wiki pages (eg. teamsite home page).
  • CMT-1618: When retrieving precedents, all parent level precedents are also returned.
  • CMT-1615: Time control now correctly defaults to empty.

26 February 2017 - Version 2.5.1

  • CMT-1611: Precedents for a matter now include the precedents configured for the client.
  • CMT-1596: Fixed narrative bug where security changes didn't display correctly.
  • CMT-1605: Code column now can't overlap the next column in matter table view.

11 February 2017 - Version 2.5

  • CMT-1527: Matter timeline/narrative
  • CMT-1569: New 'rename' API method
  • CMT-1588: HTML form bugfixes/improvements eg. mandatory field validation, default values
  • CMT-1591: HTML form - support for time component in date/time field
  • CMT-1593: Support for APIKey in header for API HTTP requests
  • CMT-1594: Security page - show error when user does not have access to change security
  • CMT-1595: Security page - use Contribute as default security option instead of Full Control

30 January 2017 - Version 2.4

  • CMT-1558: API2 - new version of the custodian API. Browsable at /swagger. Includes many new APIs including external sharing capability.
  • CMT-1520: Ability to display property input in an HTML form instead of the SharePoint New Item popup.
  • CMT-1563: Advanced searching can now partial-match custom user field values.

11 January 2017 - Version 2.3

  • CMT-1399: Matter multi-select and reprovisioning
  • CMT-1546: HTML encode characters in the URL of central repos lists under Settings.
  • CMT-1547: Next button was disabled when creating a matter that has provisioning disabled.
  • CMT-1550: Fixed API Reference link
  • CMT-1551: Permit any provisionable API method to be used via the /API/ url

5 January 2017 - Version 2.2.2

  • CMT-1542: Fixed provisioning error when the current user has multiple aliases.
  • CMT-1545: Set correct language when provisioning site collections
  • CMT-1544: Adding fields is done with title instead of internal name

21 December 2016 - Version 2.2.1

  • Fixed 'duplicate field' bug during matter creation.

9 December 2016 - Version 2.2 - Matter Search & bugfixing

  • CMT-1490: Ability to load 'all matters' from search instead of from the matters list.
  • CMT-1493: Pinning a client no longer pulls down all document libraries, only those in the client template.
  • CMT-1506: Properties on the matter details are now in the same order as the popup-dialog (and re-orderable via content type)
  • CMT-1507: Content type updating now done via app identity

3 December 2016 - Version 2.1.1 - Minor UI enhancements

  • CMT-1494 - New matter 'Next' button now white, not grey. Replaced property value warning triangle with red asterisk. Hide template drop-down when only one is available. Show 'Created Date' in correct locale format.
  • CMT-1495 - Ability to restrict linking to matters within the same client
  • CMT-1496 - Edit link within outlook My Matters popup now opens in same window. Back button is also available
  • CMT-1459 - Record matter created by field in matters list
  • CMT-1503 - Fixed bug where incorrect fields were briefly shown in the sharepoint matter properties dialog

25 November 2016 - Version 2.1 - Links & Event Log, Renaming

  • Custodian - matter renaming
  • Custodian - matter linking
  • Custodian - event log
  • Provisioning Engine - capability for sharing externally (site, document library or folder)
  • CMT-1474: Fixed site collection setting security during provisioning
  • CMT-1473: Disable 'attach item' button in properties form
  • CMT-1480: Hide flashing red error message on settings page load
  • CMT-1475: Tabs on matter properties page and settings page now have consistent styling
  • CMT-1488: Fixed UI around code auto-generation settings
  • CMT-1489: Warning when navigating away before finishing matter creation

11 November 2016 - Version 2.0 - Matter Creation streamlining

  • CMT-1438 - Provisioning Engine - Support selection of workflow start criteria (item added/item updated/manual)
  • CMT-1401 - Provisioning Engine - Support for 'ValueSrc' for field values
  • CMT-1410 - Custodian - when ordering by a column, initial click sorts A-Z not Z-A
  • CMT-1423 - Custodian - Don't show 'Number' when it isn't relevant
  • CMT-1277 - Custodian - use matters list for properties
  • CMT-1396 - Provisioning Engine - token replacement can happen at every level
  • CMT-1450 - Provisioning Engine - Support for currency fields
  • CMT-1443 - Provisioning Engine - allow property bag values to be added to search index
  • CMT-1434 - Provisioning Engine - provision non-reusable list workflows
  • CMT-1468 - Provisioning Engine - assign security when provisioning a site collection
  • CMT-1431 - Provisioning Engine - don't load internal lists from template site (performance)
  • CMT-1464 - Custodian - support for workflow passing custom properties to the provision API via dictionary
  • CMT-1466 - Provisioning Engine - support for folder property bags
  • CMT-1469 - Custodian - don't push excluded document libraries to affinity when provisioning a site collection

28 October 2016 - Version 1.45 - Maintenance

  • CMT-1405 - Load templates that match the locale of the SharePoint templates site
  • CMT-1409 - Prevent the microfeed from being adding to repositories (syncing to affinty/Outlook)

14 October 2016 - Version 1.44

  • CMT-1395: Support for fixed additional security roles at each hierarchy level
  • CMT-1394: Option to prevent the current user from being automatically added to the security list
  • CMT-1398: New API to support getting a single matter by code
  • CMT-1402: Replace tokens in group names

30 September 2016 - Version 1.43 - Maintenance

  • CMT-1355: More robust propertybag provisioning
  • CMT-1356: Fixed error when creating a page with many web parts
  • CMT-1360: Removed font icons and replaced with PNG icons
  • CMT-1362: Ability to publish files in publishing sites
  • CMT-1369: Ability to provision a custom homepage with the correct title (the site title)
  • CMT-1371: Fixed error whereby column defaults were not set when the field was added via a content type
  • CMT-1372: Fields now added to views in correct order
  • CMT-1374: Ability to specify the item code when calling into the provision API
  • CMT-1375: Provision the inherit top links setting
  • CMT-1376: Make 'hierarchy' the first tab in the Settings page
  • CMT-1378: Support for AlternateCssUrl and SiteLogoUrl on-premise
  • CMT-1382: Ability to export and provision a content search web part
  • CMT-1387: Support for folder-level security
  • CMT-1380: Fix for template default values not appearing in custodian UI
  • CMT-1384: New WebPart for viewing the matters of a specific client
  • CMT-1386: Checkbox to disallow creation of items at a specific hierarchy level for non-administrators
  • CMT-1388: Fixed special groups setting (Owners, Visitors, Members groups)
  • CMT-1389: UserNames in custom security settings is no longer a required field

30 August 2016 - Version 1.42.2 - Maintenance

  • CMT-1367: Properties not being set in Matters List bugfix
  • CMT-1353: List-based web parts are now auto exported (O365 only)
  • CMT-1357/CMT-1358: Ability to read and provision navigation settings in publishing sites
  • CMT-1359: Ability to read and provision published status for files in publishing sites
  • CMT-1365: Ability to exclude certain libraries from Outlook synchronisation
  • CMT-1366: Ability to exclude certain libraries from having fields and default properties applied

18 August 2016 - Version 1.42.1 - Reprovisioning support, custodian UI enhancements

  • CMT-1311: Set item level permissions on matters list during import process
  • CMT-1235: Basic reprovisioning support
  • CMT-1182: New matter table view with column sorting
  • CMT-1319: New client picker control with infinite scrolling and search
  • CMT-1320: Removing a client from My Clients removes all matters from My Matters, and adding a client adds all matters (off by default)
  • CMT-1328: Remove non-ascii characters from SharePoint URL strings
  • CMT-1335: Edit matter page has link to template
  • CMT-1336: Edit matter page now has matter code in the title
  • CMT-1314: Allow full stops in site titles

8 July 2016 - Version 1.41 - WebPart provisioning, matter approval

  • CMT-1288: Ability to submit matters for approval before provisioning starts
  • CMT-1290: Quick search now includes parent title
  • CMT-1293: Copy WebParts from template site pages (O365 only)
  • CMT-1284: 'Auto' parent template option
  • CMT-1295: Settings pages detect server version
  • CMT-1296: Matters list content types created without special characters in template names
  • CMT-1291: Fixed the 'none' install option
  • CMT-1300: Set custom properties on matters list during bulk import
  • CMT-1299: Fixed memory leak in windows service
  • CMT-1304: Matters were imported in reverse order during bulk import
  • CMT-1301: Fixed CSOM assembly version in server
  • CMT-1305: Security settings now applied even when custom provisioning code is used in the template
  • CMT-1306: Removed redundant log messages.
  • CMT-1307: Importing: merge InterestedParties from the template and custom provisioning code security.

21 June 2016 - Version 1.40 - Folder support

  • CMT-1236: Support for folder templates and folders as a hierarchy level.
  • CMT-1281: Bugfix for installing a blank custodian configuration.
  • CMT-1281: Bugfix for breaking inheritance to a new site, and copying initial permissions from parent.

31 May 2016 - Version 1.39 - Minor updates & bugfixes

  • CMT-1265: Provisioning web parts: Content Editor, Page Viewer, Task List, Calendar and Site Feed (comments).
  • CMT-998: Provisioning Site Workflows (copied from template site)
  • CMT-1273: Fixed creation of custodian items which do not have any SharePoint content
  • CMT-1264: Users no longer need the Manage Permissions permissions to create new matters (but still require it to modify permissions for existing matters)
  • CMT-1276: Fixed bug whereby parent folders in affinity were missing.

26 April 2016 - Version 1.38 - Provisioning Engine Upgrades

  • CMT-1250: Provisioning engine support for setting site language.
  • CMT-1249: All content types are now provisioned from template lists.
  • CMT-1252: Provisioning engine support for enabling/disabling site features. Enabled features on a template site will be enabled on a provisioned site.
  • CMT-980: Items in the Matters List now have a content type with the name of their template.
  • CMT-1244: Templates now have the option to exclude particular lists from Repstor affinity.

30 March 2016 - Version 1.37 - Provisioning Engine Upgrades

  • CMT-1205: Site Collection External Sharing property can now be set
  • CMT-1172: Added matter properties to matter details page
  • CMT-1206: Support for ProgId provisioning (supports OneNote notebooks)
  • CMT-1215: Support for custom properties in naming schemes
  • CMT-1218: Provision all fields in all template lists
  • CMT-1196: Properties are no longer marked as required when resetting property values
  • CMT-1214: Precedents attached to a template are now automatically updated
  • CMT-1224: Prevent users from renaming properties during matter creation

9 March 2016 - Version 1.36 - Provisioning Engine Upgrades & Bugfixing

  • CMT-860: Views are now provisioned from template lists.
  • CMT-1092: PropertyBag properties are now copied from template webs and lists.
  • CMT-1195: Fix for possibility of duplicate matter numbers.
  • CMT-1183: Removed horizontal scrollbar on My Matters app part.
  • CMT-1189: Display message on matter Security tab when resetting properties.
  • CMT-1128: Display ordered hierarchy levels after editing them in settings.
  • CMT-1191: Do not require app reset when template permissions are changed.
  • CMT-1193: Pressing enter on the settings page displayed a deletion prompt.
  • CMT-1199: Remove slashes in affinity folder names which caused a subfolder to appear.

26 Febuary 2016 - Version 1.35 - Simple Search & Status

  • CMT-1157: Simplified Search - we have a new 'simple' search bar. Clicking the 'advanced' link will take you to the previous search interface.
  • CMT-1155: UI for changing matter status - matter statuses are now configurable, and there are buttons for changing matter status of existing matters.
  • CMT-1173: Set up default templates on client/matter install hierarchy.
  • CMT-1109: Do not show random generated code when matter title is blank
  • CMT-1112: Show properties and settings drop-down lists in alphabetic order
  • CMT-1169: Upgrade knockout to improve rendering performance

12 Febuary 2016 - Version 1.34 - Security Improvements

  • CMT-1110: Ability to edit item security. A security tab has been added in the 'update details' page for items
    • Items can be set to inherit security or break inheritance and use their own permissions
    • When not inheriting, users or groups can be added, with configurable levels of permissions, or removed
  • CMT-1111: Removed the SecureMetadata option on hierarchy levels and replaced it with a new Security Scope setting, which allows security to be applied to the Metadata (list), the Content (site), or both
  • CMT-1143: There is a new Secure Item option available for provisioning which, when selected, ignores the layer's current settings and only grants permissions to users in the 'Interested Parties' field. This option can be turned on or off in the layer's settings
Other custodian changes include:
  • CMT-1440: Quick launch items will now be arranged identically to the template they are created from
  • CMT-1108: Ampersands are no longer ignored in a site's title
  • CMT-1144: The 'Availability' checkbox for precedent documents is now checked by default
  • CMT-1156: A checkbox has been added to make adding items to the interested parties' My Items optional

18 January 2016 - Version 1.33 - Scalability Part 3

The caching on the custodian web application has been further upgraded to support high performance and scalability when used by a large number of users. The remaining changes are mainly upgrades to the provisioning engine:
  • CMT-1104: Added ability to set the welcome page and provision site pages
  • CMT-1102: Support for renaming content types
  • CMT-1095: Support for field JSLink property
  • CMT-1099: Support for alternate CSS and logos
  • CMT-1097: Support for hierarchical QuickLaunch and Top Nav menus
There are also a couple of small custodian changes:
  • CMT-1139: Location-based defaults event receiver should be synchronous.
  • CMT-1064: New API method to add an item to users' 'My Items'

20 November 2015 - Version 1.32 - Scalability Part 2

  • CMT-1058: Provisioning engine: version control & check-out settings are now provisioned
  • CMT-1007: Each hierarchy root (eg. 'Clients') can now be provisioned in a separate site
  • CMT-1068: User fields can now be nominated to be automatically appended to Interested Parties during provisioning
  • CMT-1032: ADFS support for on-premise
  • CMT-1021: Left navigation menu in custodian now appears as a hierarchy (eg. with Clients/Matters, Matters is now indented)
  • CMT-1058: Further scalability work for the repositories list - ProvisionableId column now added to Ignore Users lists for query scalability
  • CMT-1056: New 'Clean Up' task to automatically remove duplicates and redundant items in the repository lists
  • CMT-1046: Provisioning engine: Underscores now automatically removed from the start of site URLs

10 November 2015 - Version 1.31 - Scalability & Bugfixes

  • CMT-1030: 'My' items are now paged and not loaded in a single request.
  • CMT-1026: New service for cleaning out the repositories lists (removing duplicates etc).
  • CMT-935: App Parts no longer causing horizontal scrollbars
  • CMT-1053: App Part and dialog various issues - title set correctly, links open in new window. Also, new dialog/app part: containing Create Matter, My Matters, and All Matters, with a search box, all in a single dialog. Contact us for URL info.
  • CMT-1048: Bugfix - site properties were not appearing in the standalone Create dialog.
  • CMT-1051: Bugfix - 'ghosted' (invalid) location-based defaults XML file no longer breaks our parser.

30 October 2015 - Version 30 - Hierarchy Configurability

  • custodian has been modified to allow for a customizable amount of levels, meaning that you are no longer restriced to just Matters and Clients:
    • You can now have 1 level or many, You can remove or add layers to create a layout that suits your needs
    • Each level can be customized individually, including their storage, provisioning and security settings
    • You can edit how each level appears in Repstor affinity in terms of folder structure and naming conventions
    • The 'Apperance' hierarchy tab allows you to choose how items are searched for, which items are hidden and whether the user needs to enter a code for the item
    • See Settings -> Hierarchy or contact Repstor for more details. Old data will be upgraded automatically
  • CMT-947: Item-level permissions on layer lists are now configurable for high-security scenarios. See Hierarchy -> Security
  • CMT-985: Provisioning of navigation links - Quick Launch and Top Links are now provisioned from the source site. Relative URLs are transformed to match the address of the newly provisioned site
  • CMT-1013: Location-based metadata is now always used for the document library default values
  • CMT-1018: Support for Boolean field default values

11 September 2015 - Version 29 - Performance & Bugfixes

  • CMT-891: New simpler My Matters web part (requires new app file)
  • Bug fixes/performance improvements:
    • CMT-875: Resetting properties now update the matters list
    • CMT-920: It was possible to create a matter for a client that wasn't yet provisioned.
    • CMT-926: Client Id field sometimes conflicted with in-built SP ClientId field
    • CMT-927: Provisioning engine no longer loads entire list when updating a single item
    • CMT-928: Removed non-functional setting 'Enable Managed Metadata'
    • CMT-929: Removed concept of client subscriptions (performance improvement)
    • CMT-942: Incremental back-off - if SharePoint is under pressure, the provisioning engine will back-off until the server responds.

21 August 2015 - Version 28 - UI Improvements

  • The UI has been improved in several areas:
    • The SharePoint link has now been moved from the bottom left to the top right
    • The bar on the bottom of the page has been removed
    • No more pages: more items are loaded automatically as you scroll down the page
    • Searching will now always return 50 items at maximum
    • The Edit Matter page now displays the template used for the Matter's creation and has a link to the matter in SharePoint
  • CMT-894: If there is only one template available for matter creation, then it will be selected by default
  • CMT-834: Matters can now be removed by clicking the delete button that now appears on each matter
  • CMT-893: Singlular and Plural values for the terminology used by Custodian are now set individually, allowing terms such as 'person' and 'people'
  • CMT-867: The Storage Level Value in the Storage - Site Collections settings has been renamed to Storage Limit
  • CMT-903: Storage Limit now uses GB instead of MB to better match SharePoint's use of the value
  • Bug fixes:
    • CMT-876: Defined values no longer show their initial value in the reset properties page
    • CMT-898: Location based defaults now work with document libraries or folders with spaces
    • CMT-899: Submission of property reset is available when only predefined properties are available
    • CMT-907: Properties with long internal names (longer than 32 characters) can now have their default values set correctly
    • CMT-878: The Document's create page now uses the correct terminology when referring to documents

7 August 2015 - Version 27 - Property Updating

  • Matter properties can now be updated:
    • Matters now have an 'edit' button
    • Properties available on the matter template are shown
    • Properties given a value will be updated
    • All files/items will be updated with the new value
    • All lists will have a new default value assigned
    • No fields will be added or removed from the matter
  • CMT-857: When adding a Content Type to a list, other undesirable content types are removed automatically (eg. Document)
  • CMT-744: Custodian icon changed
  • CMT-834: New debug/info page for on-premise installations
  • CMT-858: Log Out button within settings (helpful for testing/switching users)
  • CMT-454: Copying a template persists the Interested Parties field
  • Added this release notes page :-)
  • Bug fixes:
    • CMT-781: Fixed bug with encoding of non ASCII matter properties
    • CMT-855: Fixed broken matters on non-english SharePoint sites
    • CMT-863: Properties dialog not auto-closing on Internet Explorer
    • CMT-849: Strip whitespace from end of matter names
    • CMT-850: Support for default values on Person fields
    • CMT-864: 'Add New' client button on Create Matter page never returned

21 July 2015 - Version 26 - Provisioning Engine

  • Client/matter creation (provisioning) is now an asynchronous process. You can create many matters and they will be queued – you will not be left waiting for provisioning to complete.
    • This is especially important when provisioning site collections which can take up to a couple of minutes.
  • Provisioning work is now off the web server giving performance and scalability improvements
  • Development of new provisioning features will now be an easier and faster process